
This Artist Creates 3-D Felt Portraits Of Dogs And It’s So Realistic That It Will Make You Howl

Ever wanted a 3D felt portrait of your dog?

Well, now you can get one. And no, these aren’t like a mini cartoonized version of a dog either. There is honestly so much depth and hard-work in every one of these felt portraits. The person behind these amazing pieces of art is Hanna Tsukanova, a Kiev, Ukraine based artist.

She first started doing cartoon felt portraits but then she ventured into realistic portraits, and she has never looked back. And I can see why. You won’t believe that some of these are only a portrait and not an actual dog.

I have no idea how she does it all either. I mean, she already has a Ph.D. in Sciences, Social Communications and a Master’s in Journalism. Scroll on below and check out these pictures.

Source: Instagram

#1 Does it not look like a beheaded dog?


#2 Wow, there is really no difference in this.


#3 Her hands are magic.


#4 “My first toys were like cartoon characters, but over a year ago I tried to make realistic animals.”


#5 The detail is mind-blowing.


#6 Look at these adorable foxes.


#7 I want to pet it.


#8 It just totally blows my mind.


#9 “I really love what I do. I want to have new clients, and I want them to be happy to receive my products.”


If you love Hannah’s work, why not visit her Etsy store and also her Instagram to see what she can offer? Comment down below and let us know which one of these are your favorites.

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