
Blurred-Dogs Are Now A Thing On Twitter And We Are Feeling Blessed

If you’ve ever tried to take a picture of your dog,

You know that the results vary depending on how happy he is. For example, if he’s super excited, he’s probably moving a lot, and therefore out of focus. It results in a somewhat blurry picture of the dog, but it doesn’t matter to many because they understand that it’s simply a signal of how happy the pup is. So since it’s Thanksgiving, people posted pictures of who they were thankful for, all of which are their blurry little doggies.

#1 This is the tweet that started it all.

#2 Love attack.

#3 Torpedo head.

#4 Lick.

#5 Bite.

#6 Excited.

#7 Overexcitement.

#8 Those eyes.

#9 Happy leap.

#10 Hello, Rhombus!

#11 Happy jump.


#12 Christmas hat.

#13 Demigorgon Walter.

#14 Hoop jump.


#15 Ghostly dog.

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