
Hilariously Cute Doggo Comics That Any Dog Owner Can Relate To

Are you really attached to your dog?

Every time I leave for work, I see my dog looking at me through the window and my eyes get teary. I think I’m going through separation anxiety because he is all that I think of when I go out. My dog is my best friend, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that way.

The artists at heybuddycomics.com have come up with a very relatable series of comics about their pets, and you’re going to want to have a look at them.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | patreon.com | heybuddycomics.com

1. Heaven.

2. Separation anxiety.

3. Squirrels.

4. 911

5. Sleep

6. Dating.


8. Holiday

9. Valentine

10. The cone

11. Helping

12. Life with an energetic dog

13. Dog philosophy

What do you think of these adorable comics? Can you relate to them? Let us know in the comments below!

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