
Dog Becomes A Twitter Hero After Jumping Through The Bars Of A Gate And Showcased Excellent Barkour Skills

That is one agile dog!

Not every one of us has the gymnastic abilities of Neo or a well-trained yoga instructor. However, this dog seems to be leaving us all behind as he has perfected his jumping game. While Australian shepherds are thought to be quite intelligent and agile, this one took it to another level.

Apparently, Callie broke the Matrix.

And she learned it all by herself!

Not surprisingly, Twitter is quite surprised and fascinated by the Callie the Cowdog. The video has been re-tweeted over 19000 times and has been liked over 62000 times.

Amazing barkour.


Apparently, he is always in this mode.

Yup, exactly like that.

True, except all the CGI.

When is he competing?

I think there is one.

Was there any question?

Why wouldn’t he?


Want more Callie? Well, her instagram account has your back.

Dreaming of chasing cows

A post shared by Callie The Cowdog (@cowdogcallie) on

Now, Is there anything cuter than this?

Good morning! Playing in the dirt!

A post shared by Callie The Cowdog (@cowdogcallie) on



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