Unless otherwise stated, we are the sole owner and licensor of all the original content created for and published using our platform. This license and ownership is registered under the applicable copywriting laws and world treaties.
Subject to the relevant licensing laws and restrictions stated below you may view, share, download and print our licensed content for the use of personal purposes only.
The licensed content is protected by the applicable laws and its usage is subject to following terms and conditions:
You are not allowed to:
- Republish or repurpose the content from this website without the explicit permission given by us in written;
- Sell, license or sub license the content from this website;
- Publish any material for public usage;
- Reproduce, duplicate, copy or exploit the usage of our content for any commercial intent.
- Edit or modify material on the website;
- Edit, modify and download the material for publishing purposes;
- Use any illustration, video, images, audio sequences, graphs, tables and other content separately or otherwise from the accompanying text;
- Redistribute the content unless otherwise it is explicitly published by us for redistribution purposes. Such redistributions shall be made within your organization and with proper attribution to our contribution (authors) and our status;
Information Gathering:
IP addresses: We may use your IP addresses to gauge the popularity of specific content sections, site administration, diagnosing server issues and to collect broad demographics data for our advertisers.
Google Analytics: We use Google analytics to keep track of different website traffic sources, the usage patterns, compiling reports and to monitor different traffic channels. The IP addresses collected by Google are transmitted to its database and Google may use and share this data with third parties which process the information on behalf of Google or when it is required to do so by applicable laws.
We also use Google analytics for display advertising. The user can choose to customize the ad preferences or choose to opt out.
Cookies: We use cookies for tracking the usage and behavior of website visitors. This includes tracking of their web browsers and IP addresses. The cookies are used to provide a more customized experience of display advertising based on the activities of the visitors.
Sometimes these cookies are used by third party websites to identify the information when you contact the website. These websites have their own privacy rules and regulations and are beyond the scope of our liability and control. We would encourage you to view the individual privacy policies and rules of that third party websites to get a clearer view.
Affiliate Links:
Doggo participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and we tend to earn from Amazon affiliate links placed on the website. This a funding program to cover the operational expenses, advertising needs and overall growth of the company.