
This Small Post Office Has Recruited the Best Boy of All and His Job Profile Will Give You the Giggles!

  • By Silas
  • January 20, 2018
  • 3 minutes read

In this world of rapid technological progress, we seldom spare a thought for written letters. Even then, there are many jobs that do require postal services. But people’s dying interest in mails has signaled the end of an era. However, some voices and barks are still trying to save it.

Barks? Yes, you read that right! A good boy in the town of Portree, Scotland, has not given up on letters and stamps yet. On first glance, you would not find anything worth seeing in this seaside post office.


Open the doors and go in. Friendly staff members would greet you, most likely. What’s not likely, is that one employee with four legs. That caught your attention, didn’t it?

This post office boasts of its new recruit, who goes by the name, Jax!


Jax is not a stranger to the mechanics of postal services. His dad, Ray Chandler is the Postmaster here.


After Ray took over the management of this place, he decided to employ Jax in the trade as well. Jax could have been loitering around lazily without a job. Whatever might have been the case, this furry employee has clocked two years of job experience. That should definitely improve his resume

Don’t fall for his cute looks. Jax is a committed worker.


His position is the “Official Stamp Licker”!


He takes his job seriously so dare you to crack a joke!

Of course, Jax won’t mind a bit of amusement on your side. After all, he loves to do what he is good at. As Mr. Chandler cleared things for The Dodo, “He’ll actually lick your stamps.”


So what if he gets a wee bit too excited sometimes and eats up the stamp?

We don’t mind losing a stamp or two to a loyal staff member.


We would all love to meet Jax, the Stamp Licker, someday. I would trust him with all my stamps and mails, without a doubt. Would you?


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