
10+ Doggo Memes That Perfectly Depicts Your Love Life

A wise man once said: “love hurts.” I don’t recall who it was exactly or who caused him to say that, but it’s the most accurate statement ever. Whether you’re neck deep in a new affair, or five years in and happy just to stay in and play video games, love comes with its challenges.  That’s why we’re here for you, with some doggo memes that will not only sum up your love life but will also show you that whatever romantic bullshit you’re currently putting up with, there’s someone else who feels you.

#1. Definitely a player


#2 Isn’t it always the way?


#3 Me without my makeup on…

You really think so??

A post shared by Andie Anderson (@humor_me_pink) on

#4 That’s what friends are for! To let down.

girl, no. http://bit.ly/2eBLjku

Geplaatst door Cosmo Love & Sex op woensdag 6 september 2017

#5 Girl you know this isn’t gonna work

ugh of course

Geplaatst door Cosmo Love & Sex op maandag 4 september 2017

#6 The ultimate wingman, the guy with the food!


#7 This is honestly me most days of the week

#8 And this is me on the other days of the week

I always check @some_bull_ish likes

A post shared by Kara (@thedryginger) on

#9 Who hasn’t made this face a few times?

#10 It’s not gonna just come to you, you gotta go fetch it!

Right in the feels (@animalsmeettheinternet)

A post shared by Animals Meet The Internet (@animalsmeettheinternet) on

#11 This behavior is so healthy

Must. Not. Like. http://bit.ly/2iKYT9B

Geplaatst door Cosmo Love & Sex op zondag 25 juni 2017

#12 Gotta have that hair on fleek!

#dogg #dogs #funny

A post shared by Doggo (@doggoisofficial) on

#13 The betrayal!


#14 Every. Damn. Time.

"What ar—actually NEVERMIND" http://bit.ly/2tNyInq

Geplaatst door Cosmo Love & Sex op dinsdag 29 augustus 2017

#15 And he rented that tux and everything…

#16 All the wasted time.


#17 Boi you better put that down!

Hey hi hello!

Geplaatst door Cosmo Love & Sex op maandag 22 mei 2017

#18 Those awkward first stages in a relationship.


#19 For all the stress love brings we still don’t give up on it…

#20 …but when you’re in it it’s the best thing in the world.

Tag ur significant otter 😉 #Doggo #doggolove

A post shared by Doggo (@doggoisofficial) on

I know you’ve found a meme or two in here for your personal secret stash. Moving forward, I believe all romantic entanglements should be moderated through the use of doggo memes. Think of the wrong dates that could be avoided, arguments that could be aborted and relationships that could be saved if we all just meme’d a little bit harder.

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